Supporting Whole-Child Development: Survey Findings From a National Sample of U.S. Teachers

Group of middle school kids

Public schools across the United States are responsible for preparing young people to succeed and thrive in higher education, the workforce, and community life—in other words, for supporting whole-child development. Because teachers play such an indispensable role in ensuring this preparation, systematic data on their experiences, beliefs, practices, and working conditions are needed to inform policy and practice. 

To understand how teachers are promoting whole-child development, AIR analyzed survey data from a nationally representative sample of K-12 public school teachers using RAND’s American Teacher Panel. The survey, administered in late 2022, included questions about three broad topics related to whole-child development: culturally responsive practices in 1) education and assessment, 2) civic learning, and 3) social and emotional learning. 

The three brief reports in this series present results for each of these related topics, and an appendix provides the full set of survey questions: