Jennifer Pirtle

Principal TA Consultant

Jennifer Pirtle is a principal technical assistance consultant at AIR with 25 years of experience in the workforce and economic development field. She serves as project director for several projects in AIR’s Workforce Development Program and Policy Division, including the U.S. Department of Labor’s Real-Time State and Regional TA project, WorkforceGPS TA project, and the Competency Model TA initiative.

Prior to joining AIR, Pirtle led several key program initiatives for the Federal Workforce Solutions Practice at Maher & Maher in Washington, D.C., such as the Office of Unemployment Insurance Community of Practice TA project and the Job Corps Student-Centered Design project.

Pirtle has extensive experience in the workforce development system working with workforce development policy, economic development, labor market information, electronic tools, state plans, sector strategies, business engagement and recruitment, reemployment, integrated service delivery, work-based learning, and human-centered design. She has experience working with the public workforce system in developing and implementing evidence-based service delivery interventions.

Pirtle has been involved in the Workforce Development System since 1996, first taking unemployment claims and then serving as a labor economist for the State of Idaho. She previously served as Boise City’s economic development director and served several roles at the U.S. Department of Labor, including as older worker unit chief in the Employment and Training Administration’s Office of Workforce Investment.

Jennifer Pirtle

M.B.A., Public Administration, Boise State University; B.A., Economics and Business Administration, College of Idaho
